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Pipeline Flow Through Metal Detector | For Liquids & Pastes & Slurries

125 Read Updated:2024-06-17

Pipeline Flow Through Metal Detector consist of a metal detector unit that is integrated into the pipeline system. As the liquid or slurry flows through the pipeline, the metal detector unit scans the pipeline for metal contaminants. If any metal objects are detected, the system triggers an alarm to divert the contaminated material away from the main flow.

Pipeline Flow Through Metal Detector | For Liquids & Pastes & Slurries

Features of Pipeline Metal Detectors for Sauces and Liquids:

Sensitivity Settings:
Pipeline metal detectors allow the user to adjust the sensitivity level based on the size and type of metal contaminants that need to be detected. This feature ensures optimal detection and minimizes false alarms.
Automatic Reject System:
When metal contaminants are detected, pipeline metal detectors can trigger an automatic reject system to divert the contaminated material away from the main flow. This helps maintain product integrity and prevent further contamination downstream.
Rugged Construction:
Pipeline metal detectors are designed to meet the demands of industrial environments. They are typically made of durable materials such as stainless steel to resist corrosion and ensure longevity.
Easy Integration:
These detectors are designed to be easily integrated into existing pipeline systems. They typically have flange connections or other fittings that allow for seamless installation without interrupting the flow of materials.
User-Friendly Interface:
Pipeline metal detectors come with a user-friendly interface, typically with a touchscreen display or control panel. These interfaces allow operators to adjust settings, monitor performance, and receive real-time feedback.

Pipeline Flow Through Metal Detector | For Liquids & Pastes & Slurries

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